Thursday, October 26, 2006

The haze is clearing, what with the rain and all and now I'm all back in school which I so affectionately referred to as the Hellmouth. Come the new semester, I'm taking on uncharted territories of Psychology and Creative Writing. I love the courses already, even though it's only the first lesson and I had to spent like 20 minutes looking for the classrooms because they're in the Engineering building instead of Business. And I wasn't the only one; the Psych lecturer lost his way too. I'm never that versatile when it comes to directions but i found it so yeah to me. Met with new people and might do my social circle some good. The only glitch was that I had to stay in school till 7pm every Wednesday for the Psych lecture and it's not very nice because I live real far. Well, at least the lecturer acknowledged the whole determination we're showing for turning up. Haha! Talking about courses, I think I would really enjoy CommSkills 2; I took an instant liking to the lecturer, not in a gay way. I'm gay but not in that context.

I'm making tiny progress on my tattoo. The outline's healed good and the guy was so nice he did parts of the shading for me yesterday, 26 Oct 06 though I still owe him $550...We talked about drunk driving and how some macho-looking guys ended up screaming and crying like a baby while getting the tat done or they get too loud and irritating and obnoxious like most guys's all very interesting. We talked about our favourite show on cable tv, it's called Miami Ink and the kind of rates they charged their customers...and it's really expensive. Imagine US$450 for an hour of tattoo. Well, by some of the best artists in the world no doubt but still, it's pretty steep. I needed money, I always needed money. Guess I needed to get a more stable job. Let the ritual healing begins.

27 Oct 06 5.00pm


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