Monday, May 08, 2006

Dear faithfuls...
2nd week of school filled with hellish lectures and tutorials have ended. And sometimes, I walked away from these lectures feeling dumber than when I went in. Take last Friday's Mircoeconmic lecture for instance. The lesson just dragged on and on and everyone was very nearly dying. What's more it was the last lecture of the day, everyone just wanna get out and get home and get into bed!! Anyway, since I had to go through all my notes anyway, I seemed to might have figure the whole Demand & Supply thing. Well, moving on...

Freudian Slip...on Sunday
Apparently, my mum lost her job when one of her customer returned with a complaint letter and court threat. He/she was diagnosed with food poisioning after eating at my mum's her boss showed my mum the complaint letter and asked about her plans. As usual, thanks to my mum's temper, she decided to quit her job on the spot and now, she's stay-home mum.

Anyway, I accidentately told her about how this course at TP isn't quite what I wanted to do cause for starters, my passion was never about food nor hosptiality. It was writing. It was always writing. But of course, she didn't understand and got it the wrong way. I told her if I had to choose between working and studying, i would ultimately choose the latter, which spurred to make her think that I'm not committed to poly life. I told her I didn't have much of a choice to begin with. And she questioned my motives which got me a little on edge and pissed.

4 years ago, I would have cried tears of joy if I were to get into TP. 4 years now, I'm having difficulties adapting. Now I know it's really hard to be doing something that you're not passionate about...but nevertheless, I'm gotten do my best and whatever I humanly can here in TP, and hopefully graduate.

Friends in my class are real cool, generous and pretty helpful. I couldn't get into the portal so I couldn't print my lecture notes and I was really glad that there are people out there who are willing to help. Thanks Guys! As far as I can tell, they are highly motivated and cooperative when it comes to projects/group work which is good...cause I kinda had enough of having to do everything on my own.


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