...erom on..ti tuoba gnitirw eb ot gniog neve ton m'I .eormyna nmad ginkcuf a evig yllaer t'noD .dias evah dluow ylbaborp I "!?won ti gniddehs dniM !ereht tog uoy edaçaf ecin, yeH" .sselhceeps m'I dnA. .emoc dluow ytilauqnart ebyam dna llaw a hguorht tisf ym tup dluoc I hsiw I. struhs sredluohs ym, struh daeh yM. taht tsuj gniod ma I ereh teY .sraey retfa sraey niaga revo dna revo tihs emas eht hguorht og nac eno kniht t'nod I .regna dna eugitaf htiw demlehwrevo dna detelped, derit m'I
Things NEVER happen by YOUR reasons...
What would you do if I could have you?
Previous Posts
- 5 minutes before I started out on this blog, I was...
- Sometimes, it's hard. It takes a good amount of ti...
- 29 April 2007Well, it just didn't feel right. Now ...
- So I've not been updating the blog for too long, s...
- I wanted to understand. Who I am and why I'm here....
- “Till death do us part, my love, if only for a sho...
- It's utter ironic, it's utter fucked up. And no o...
- It will take some time to regain some normalcy. I...
- Ok, I am going to sound like a 10 year old. It's ...
- It came true and I was dead on. Eva is falling in...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
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