Friday, December 01, 2006

30 November 2006

Just right about now, I’ll be starting on the whole plot sequences. On my life. And I cannot believe how much work there is to be done. I mean, I didn’t really even get to enjoy my birthday because of the numerous projects consultations and of course school on the next day. There are CW stuff, an unhealthy number of quizzes and progress report and of course the whole darn Marketing Proposal about that golf resort built on a tiny little island. Right now I’m definitely out of brain juice so let’s talk about something a little lighter.

I suck. Period. I mean it’s just a simple cell number and I couldn’t get it. And she’s standing right there. Ok, so she’s on the phone with some guy and later, all her other friends joined her but still major awkwardness. I should just walk away next time. Something nice came out of it though. It’s this story thing that I wrote about how the sea got its waves (it’s a pretty romantic love story) and we were supposed to write what it’s called a ‘just so’ story. It’s pretty interesting and a little crazy. I mean I read the one about leopards getting their spots and how zebras got their strips and it’s all very interesting and I don’t know, kind of make everything just that little simpler.

1 December 2006

It was F’s birthday today and God, did I enjoy myself. I actually met a new friend, yes I did. She’s super awesome, I mean if I have been acquainted with someone like her earlier, I would be much happier and lighter. She’s a schoolmate of F and Sam, and for some reasons, we started talking. And I mean really talking. I don’t think I’ve been able to just talk, for a long time. It’s hard getting people to understand and then there will be you telling you that it’s ok but sometimes it’s really not… and it’s just once in a blue moon when you meet someone who’s all clear and sees things for what they are. And also, the part where I couldn’t tell F what I wanted to tell her because for some reasons, I started crying. It’s silly but it’s all real. She’s someone I felt very strongly towards, I care a lot about her and I just really wanted her happy. K could treat her a little better and I think her parents could perhaps take some time to really see and understand the daughter for who she is. Met up with old classmates and everyone was having fun and it’s just plain old fun. And then something kind of weird happened. Some singing serenade team appeared out of nowhere with an invisible charity bucket and started singing. I don’t know but it’s almost creepy.


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